I just realized how much I had to say about rainy season
and now I'm going to tell you all about:
Dry Season.
Since the water pump is up and running it's been great to see the village using the water to wash dishes, clothes and for drinking. Since there are no rainwater catchers (Durotanks) throught the village the pump is great!
The only downside to this has been when everyone tries to pull water at the same time. The
pump goes dry -- or just kinda trinkles water. But still, much of an improvement over taking water from the river and or creeks for consumption.
All of you are aware of my continues battle with the mosquitoes. I am just a magnet for them, I donate a lotta blood! Now they have infiltrated my Durotank! I went to get some water for a lady heading out to ground...and at the top of the bucket were pesty little mosquito larva swimming around. Yuk! I guess it's time for some durotank cleaning!
House has been holding up well, infact I spent a good chunk of time out at site working on house projects. Bats also like me, and my ceiling! I got a bottle of this foaming spray stuff -- basically you spray it in the hole and it expans --it took a couple filling spots to get the feel for it, but I have notices a definate decline of bats in the house. I can hear them outside though -- swirling around out there trying to find their way in, they are kinda like homing piegons. They liked their home.
Slagball team is going strong. Despite more losses then wins - spirits are still up and girls are still motivated. We are looking to hold a fundraising dance to raise some money for uniforms and transportation costs.
Kids are on vactation from school. Since it's the dry season I'm not lasting to long out at ground. It's me and the kids now in the mornings. Usually they're over early looking for games, coloring or any kinda activies we can do in the shade. I found an online free coloring book site, that has pictures of animals and such relating to the alphabet. (A - a picture of an Ant to draw...)
Afternoons I find my way to the shade of the mango tree - where everyone not at ground sits around and eats...you guessed it WATERMELON! I was soo happy to see the first crop of watermelon make it's way from ground to my house! We sit under the tree, chat and eat and try to stay cool.
Evenings are still filled with slagball practice and darkness rolls in around 7. We are still without oil but as always I'm not overly sad about that. Although I did 'accidently' start a blaze in the house.
I use candles to light my way during these dark nights. I also use them to read by once inside my bed. As i was reading one nite I moved to adjust my head rest, and knocked my candle over. Before I could catch it, it lite up my mosquitoe netting. I bolted out of bed and put out the flames.
I now use my headlamp for all reading purposes.
The Women's Organization and I headed into the city to attend a workshop as well as a 'meet the funders' presentation and lunch. The group had to present their ideas as well as the reasons they want the funding for the project. As we were gathering Moengolina pulled me aside and got the group around me. As usual in these situtations I had no idea what was going to happen next.
They were all taking and bustling around with a bag, next thing I knew there was one lady putting a pangi on me, one putting a headwrap on me and Moengolina explaining that I am now a member of the Women's Organization. "'Uma sa do' is one member stronger now" she was saying to me. Roughly translated the name of the women's group (uma sa do) is Women can do.
This is up there with one of my proudest moments here in Suriname.
A shot of the group doing their presentation:

The latrine project is completed and now awaiting funding. I hope the money arrives quickly so we can get started on the hole digging and construction.
City news. Ula moved into an amazing new apartment. And he bought himself his own housewarmning present. A 50' flatscreen. I plan on watching a lot of movies the next few days!
Unforunate and really sad news that I don't want to write to much about - Pepper.
She passed away a few weeks ago. She was doing great, puppies were weined and given to loving homes. Then she stopped eating for two days, and passed away in the nite. I'm heartbroken over this and really, really miss her.
We just completed our mid-service training so the gang was back! I'm always excited to see everyone and here what they have been up too! Now a few fifteens are in as well and it's nice to be hanging out all together.
As always more to come - love to everyone back home and a big shout out to Bevin and Brogan for having brithdays! I wish I could have been there to celebrate.