Saturday, July 5, 2008

Happy 4th of July a day late!

Hey guys!

So it's the 5th here and we are heading over to the Ambassator's place for an afternoon of bbq'ing swimming, music and partying. I'm excited to get in that pool! We've met her before, and she's a really cool we should have a good time and celebrate the 4th! I don't think there will be fireworks ;) but a POOL is sounding really nice!

We head back out for the remaining of our training tomorrow, the dreaded return to homestay ;)and I'm kinda bummed to leave the city (and all the peace corps people!) We've definitely been having a blast here. I will request knowledge on cleaning fish AND Ms. Ilya I learned that raw gutted fish can sit out for a good 6 hours before it spoils. If cooked it can probably make it overnite...without refridgeration. Eggs don't need to be in the fridge...and tofu can last awhile as well. And never fear -- there is ALWAYS peanut butter! I have a new respect for peanut butter. I have also realizedwhat a luxury ice-cubes and COLD liquids are in the city.

I've been rooming with Michelle, and this morning she was kind enough to pluck my eyebrows...not a bad job! I borrowed some earrings and will apply makeup today, I got a good look in the mirror the other day. I no longer have red hair, infact it's almost blondish (I cut it before I left so it's cropped right above my shoulders) I'm insanely tan except for the tops of my legs ;) and red were the bug bits are on me. There's been a few people that have gotten staff infections - damn, that stuff is nasty looking! We're a tough group!

We had laungage for a few hours this morning, and learned the Suriname Anthem, I think we have to sing it (and the Star Spangled Banner) at swear in. I swear in on Bevin's Birthday! (August 1st!) So Bevo - I'll be thinking of you as I belt those out in my amazing singing voice!

We've all been having a great time running around the city - and last nite we sat at the waterfront and listened to I'm not lying....Greatest Wedding Songs of All Times....and shared drinks and laughs with all the PCV's left in Suriname. Sur 12 has started to head everyone is in the city.

I learned today that if I drop Moth Balls down the tiny holes in my house that the bats fly in and out...that they will leave and not return. Apparently moth balls replies bats, squirrels (Ilya again...for your deck area, if you don't mind the smell of moth balls!) and all those critters.

There are also going to smoke bomb my house for the creepy crawlies. So I should be a-okay by move-in!

I grabbed a quick tuna sandwich here - and realized that this country puts ketchup on everything....this has been noted for further eating experiences! ;)

Kinda random post today - but I it's been a lot of hanging out with PCV's and doing random stuff...I love you all and will write hopefully next month.

ps - I could use a yoga book of poses.

Peace out my loves!!

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