a tropical forest, usually of tall, densely growing, broad-leaved evergreen trees in an area of high annual rainfall.
Rain, rain...and then more rain. Downpours....soft misty rain -- hard pelleting rain.
Two weeks ago it begain to rain - it was nice in the beginning, I usually enjoy when it rains during the nite - makes for good sleep. This time it didn't stop. It rained through the next morning - into the afternoon...and carried on through the nite. Just to wake up to it continuing on. A full two weeks of non-stop full out thundering and gloomy RAIN.
It's pretty quite when the weather is so nasty - usually everyone stays in their house...those that do venture out are running as quick as possible from point A to point B. Myself? I've got a village of kids...and a house with crayons and paper. When it rains...it pours kids!
Thomas and I completed WASH training last week. (water and sanitation hygiene) It was a training for trainers type of workshop. From Saturday until Tuesday we learned about the different ways to build latrines...how sicknesses occur because of poor water -- how to prevent and educate others. The style of the training was that the pcv and counterpart learn lessons and present back to the group. Thomas and I did a play - (I had to recurit others that day as Thomas was mysterously missing the day of our presentation...) The play involved a family living in the bush that used river water for drinking and washing....virus, worm and bacteria (preformed by the trainers) lived in the river and made the family sick. It was a cute play with a high impact for understanding. It was fun to learn how to teach without using 'big' words and 'long' explanations.
Moengolina and Thomas came into the city with me yesterday as we had the next round of meeting for the eco-tourism project. I'm pretty excited about this, as everyone involved is excited and motivated -- and there is a TIMELINE! ;) So far there has been a great structure and communication of duties and responsiblities for this...it's exciting! We head back out to Wan Hati tomorrow.
'Aids a Na Mie Matie' - (the youth group in WH) is making me proud! The completed making some posters to display transmission and some myths about contracting HIV/AIDS. They work well together and are starting to organize a 'training' they are going to present to the other kids!
Water Pump - finally found the right contact person...hopefully we can see some movement with this before much longer!
My private english student can now sing the complete alphabet song and write all the letters!!! I'm so happy for her I could burst. In return for lessons she makes me lunch....it's a GREAT opportunity to give some lessons on clean water ;)
That about wraps it up for me here! I'm heading out early tomorrow, but will be back in next week to pick up Trisha from the airport!! We're going to head straight back to site...and then up to see some sea turtles nesting (it's the season) or maybe hit some waterfalls. I'm excited to see her!
Stay well you guys and make sure to wash your hands (get between your fingers and your don't forget your thumbs!) before you eat, before you cook and after you poopie!
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