Friday, December 25, 2009

Merry Christmas!

Nothing like wintertime in the tropics! I woke to a warm, balmy, slightly breezy Christmas Day. Ula woke me by saying Merry Christmas, then rolling over to go back to sleep. I also went back to sleep, finally rising around 10am. It's kinda loud here at nite- Suriname being so diverse in cultures and ethnic groups there are many traditions. One around this time of year is fireworks. All of last nite I was awake listening to - booom, booom - fireworks nextdoor, clang, clang on the steel gate (the two dogs scared out of their mind trying to get into the house!) I was slightly cranky and in need of coffee this morning!

Once I was finally aware of the day around me (three cups of coffee in) we were relaxing on the couch, and discussing what to eat. Who doesn't love fish fritters for lunch! One of my visiting the city stables. We're off to the store.

As we're out we pick up a few dvd's and phone calling cards. I also treated myself to a brownie ;)

Ula, the wonderful cook starts frying up the fritters and I finally descide it's time to change out of my pj's. It's 1:30pm.

We eat our fish fritters and pop in the movie Ula picked. Avatar. (again love the no anti-piracy laws here!!) Never in a zillion years would I have guess I would love that type of movie so much. Great movie. Definitely a good pick!

All nite the previous nite the neighbors set off the fireworks. So after watching the movie I crashed out on the couch. I woke to 'Mariah, get up it's time to get ready - we're late for dinner.'


I'm tired, cranky, not showered and need to repaint my toenails.

'Ula can you do me a favor and re-heat me a cup of coffee? It's already made and in the machine.'

'Ya, no problem'.

I'm freshly showered and the paint on my nails is drying - I go to grab my re-heated coffee.

Ula, bless his heart. He had poured the brewed coffee back INTO the machine, turned the machine on and remade the already made coffee. (Double brewing it cuz I was to lazy to throw out the used grounds earlier today.)

Who cares, I live in Wan Hati. I drank it anyways. I am my father's daughter. To that fact, my mothers too. Waste not, want not -- and whatever it's already made.

Off to dinner at Robby and Jenny's house. They moved back to Suriname from Holland about a year and 1/2 ago. We spent last Christmas dinner with them. Although last year, no one told me it was a dressy affair so I wore jean and a t-shirt, they all were decked out in dresses and slacks. This year I wore my black dress, and pretty jewels - they wore, jeans and t-shirts.
Again, who cares - they made a fantastic dinner and I ate mashed potatoes, steamed broccoli, gravy with mushrooms, 4 different meat options on the table and all the booze you could possibly want.

Jenny's daughter is visiting from Holland. Her husband is an extreme fighter (the kind that don't use gloves or have any rules other then the tap out rule. Tap out rule being, you tap on the ground three times if you want out of the damn fight!) He sat across from me and I ate my dinner having conversation about fights and motivation - trying to not stare at his swollen eye. Yes, he did win the match -- even got an impressive trophy!

Back home (1/2 bottle of Borgoe and who knows how many glasses of wine!) to feed the dogs.

I have been trying to reach my mom all day. The curse of phonecards, land-lines, new locations and cell phones. Finally able to reach her 1:00am my time. 11:00pm her time. Phew, still Christmas on her side.

Soo lovely to hear my mom's voice and share stories. As you would guess, the phone card was eaten up to quickly - and left me mid-sentence to my mom as it cut out. I sent her a follow-up email ;)

Connected with my sisters and my dad via email to wish them happy and safe Christmas. I can NOT wait to talk with them tomorrow! So much to say, I'm going to have to get a few phone cards for this call.

Not shocking to anyone I'm sure - I just raided the fridge for leftovers as Raoul sleeps. I have prepared myself for when he asks me 'what happened to all the food?' I will say, 'um, dude - you totally got up in the middle of the nite and you were gone for over an hour. I don't know what you did!' :)

I'm thinking back on the previous year and all the wonderful, crazy and truly amazing adventures and experiences I have had - it's been a great year and I'm so thankful.

Next year will be a white one (hopefully) for me. I look forward to spending it with all my family and friends that I haven't seen in so, soo long. But for now - I'm as content as can be, and full! I just need to turn that a/c down in the bedroom before I can fall asleep, and put my ear plugs in for the ever-lasting fireworks!

Merry Christmas to all - I love and miss each and every one of you!

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