Monday, July 28, 2008

Bittersweet - more sweet then bitter....

'Suria - Alucan tongo namo!!!' (speak alucan only) I will not cry over leaving the piercing voice and commanding presence that is Ceclia! Who- by the way, I found out is pregnant! Number six to debut this November!

Boslanti - I do admit having grown found of....

Little things - like 4 yr old Lillia holding my hand and sliently walking every morning with me to class. Watching Chaco grow at an alarming rate! 2 new teeth and walking now! Allentan counting...1,2,6,7,3 - his pronunciation PERFECT, now if we can just get the order straight we're in business! Raqwell, serious Raqwell, I'll miss catching the glimpies of her being a 10 yr old...when she's not cooking or cleaning - and allowed to just play cat's cradle with me. Jonsue - I think I may just miss being chased all over the village by a 6 yr old with a bugger, or snake or worm in hand. Begorbee, sweet little Begorbee....I'll miss his fabulous hugs and his nightly saranade of 'Suria - you a de tha Hokie Pokie andy u shake ite all over...' coming through the wall as we retire for the nite.

I feel prepared and ready to move forward on this adventure they call Peace Corps!

Although last week was our final language test - and due to a lingering cold I developed larangites (lost my voice for 6 days!) RIGHT before testing! So soon we'll see how prepared my tester things I am... ;) Losing the voice was a test in pacience. As I've mentioned many times before not greeting is considered extremely rude. SO I had to whisper ' mi siki aini mi neki' to the whole village for 6 days. Everyone there was excited for me when I got my voice back! I was elated to get it back - as my hearing was honestly about to go! Seems people here think because I couldn't talk, they should compensate and talk LOUDER to me. Especially our beloved, already amazingly strong voiced - Celcia.

Some of my favorite events that occured in the last 3 weeks:

1. After a full day of langauge - crossing the river for tech training....missing both breakfast and lunch...I returned to a wonderful, steaming hot bowl of chicken feet!! (Peter Pan is magical and having him stashed away has really saved me here!)

2. While visiting my girls in Drapoda..Partner-in Crime Kate with me...At around midnite.
Climbing through the window of Joesy's locked hut (she was at another village that nite) navagating our way around in the dark, finding her flashlight - but NOT the bag of M&M's we were treasure hunting for!

3. Organizing and witnessing the kids (40 of them) play Cat and Dog. (It's Duck, Duck, Goose but I didn't know the word in Aulcan for Goose)

4. Sucessfully pulling off a health day for the village kids. (some adults showed up too!) Where Lynn, Wayne and I each did a demo/presentation. Mine was handwashing, Lynn tooth care, Wayne minor wound treatment. Kids love the smell of soap!

5. When 6..10-15 yr old boys were playing noisely in the area we take class....watching calm, cool, easy going Lynn - JUMP out of her seat, lose it and chase the kids screaming in English -- SHUT UP AND GET OUT!!

6. Sneaking out my window late at nite to go dancing to the beat of the drums.

7. Waking up in sheer panic, thinking I wet my hammack. (Note: wind pants do NOT make good sleeping pants...they tend to make you sweaty.) No hammack wetting - just sweating!

This is the naked city - nothing goes unseen. So yes - I did get repremanded for number 6. 'Suria me a whippie U!' Ceclia the protective host mom---with a vicious bark. I just smile at her and give her cookies as peace offerings!

So Sur 14 BACK together again-- all 24 strong and in the city till the 1st! This is the last time our group will be united for a while we swear-in on the 1st then off to our perm sites. Bittersweet my friends...bittersweet.

Love-hugs and kisses to you all. I'll update ya tomorrow on the fun of the city!!

xoxoxoxo always!

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