Thursday, July 31, 2008

madness today...

Today has been craziness and it's not even noon yet!

Shopping for the hut began.

Yesterday I spent almost $700 SRD on a bed. (this is a lot for me...I know it sounds silly, but that's more then half my spending budget) I think you all pretty much know my love of sleeping - and as much as I love my purple hammack. I'm super pumped to have a bed!

Today - I woke at 6:30am to hop in the shower and hoof it to the office for a meeting (there were just 4 of us from the group going, so no transport there) BUT I did stop for an expensive cup of REAL coffee. In fact it was a 'Red Eye'(for those non coffee drinkers that a cup of coffee with a shot of esspreso in it) Slice of heaven!

Last nite our CD invited us over for a truly amazing dinner. It was so relaxing to be in a ''home" and her decorating style is right up my alley. Beautiful home. I finished the nite with a big piece of Apple Pie. Then back to the room to watch Adventures in Babysitting on Kristin's computer. Good times!

Shopping for hut items today - you guys it's a riot. Buying 'meat buckets' to hold my food (to keep safe from rats and kakaaka...cockroachs) plastic chairs and pots and pans. I wonder if I can find a martini shaker here ;)

So it's a short one today as I have to get back to it...I do need to find a dress as well. Forgot to pack one for swear-in and I don't think they would appricate me showing up in my tank top and ripped pants. I'm really, really, REALLY missing my wardrobe from home this week.

Love ya all - and thanks for all the well wishs. I'll try to check in tomorrow, but it's crunch time here. xoxoxox!

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