Thursday, May 14, 2009

What Fun We've Been Having!

Trisha has come and gone - what a great time!
It was a dose of home that I needed -- with all the rain causing cabin old friends
face was a real treat!

Lots of random things occurred during her stay:


1. The boat ride out to Wan Hati was soo full, that we were almost denied rides, had we really understood how badly the boat was sinking....I think we would have waited. Power, we love you for helping us out, and he did say ' Mariah if you die, YOU wanted to get on the's not my fault'.

2. We had fire at nite! (for three of the four nites...and it hasn't gone back on since!)

3. All the kids were away for vacation time, as well as most of the adults. So the usual supspects were not around to roust up trouble.

4. A new face appeared on the scence - Conswellia...what a riot. Right now I don't even has words for this one. I'm meeting up with her later today for chats. ;)

5. Moengolina didn't work us hard at all during our work day at ground. This was SHOCKING.

6. We set out a trap for a (singlular) mouse. We caught 5! (how naive are we thinking it was only one little guy)

7. Trisha learned how to do the Aculn dance. Moengolina almost wet her pangi (literally) laughing.

8. Together we never could leave a bottle open... ;)

9. We learned how many people can fit in a hammock...ha haa HA!!

10. Hitchhiking has become a new passion! That and a little bit of begging....we can go anywhere and do anything!

11. Uno - oh how I have missed that game. 'Damn it, who's turn it it? Is that blue or green...?'

That's my friends is just a sampling of the fun....

Thanks Trisha for making the journey, playing rumbie with me, laughing and bringing back old memories as well as creating new ones! WHOOOP---WHOOOP!

Once Trisha left I was back out to site - without Pepper. She stayed in the city cuz I didn't have a dog crate to transport her got really lonely without all the company. Good thing Gabbie and Crew came back from vacation - it's always a trip with them.

Things we do for fun:

We color and learn the alphabet.

We sing and dance:

I get by with a little help from my friends. How awesome is Gabbie for killing the GIANT, poisonous toad. Pretty damn awesome if you ask me!

Then we had a burial.

We keep on keeping on out here!


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