Everyday now at 5:20 the old gang, and some new faces head down to the sand field to resume our games of slagball! We are lead by Captians Candilia and Shannon through our running drills (consisting of barefoot sprints in the sand with our hands waving above our heads), catching drills and batting drills. All drills start with the shrill of Candilia's new whistle - and end with us laying in the sand panting for breath!
I still have yet to fully understand all of the rules and have been told on more then one occasion that I play tyobo tyobo. (dirty, dirty) We have all made donations to get matching shirts and came up with enough money to get ourselves to Moengo this Friday. We will be competing with teams up and down the river - the tourny will be held in Moengo. I'm super pumped - we'll have a good time! Here's a picture of the team, we borrowed the matching shirts from a team of soccer plays...our shirts are teal (way prettier in my opinion!) If anyone wants to sponosor us - we are pretty much amazing! :)
From left to right -back row- Sa, Olivia (she's Gabbie's mom) Capt. Candilia, Capt. Shannon and Cortisa -front row - Kinisha, Baby and Moeina
Candilia's English is coming along GREAT. She is now able to sound out simple words. It's such a proud feeling I get when she struggles a little, but doesn't give up until she's got it right.
THE WATER PUMP IS FIXED!! This is huge, huge, huge!! The technician came and changed all the water spicket heads, cleaned out the rust in the pump and we now have CLEAN WATER! I have a training scheduled for the middle of July for 6-9 people in WH to go through tech training incase the pump should break again. CLEAN WATER!!!
Moengolina is still in the hosptial (going on over a month now) she is suffering from high blood pressure and stomach issues with digestion. She is getting better now, and should be heading back out this week. Everyone is pitching in to help pull her taya, ginger and maintain her ground while she is out. Wan Hati is one big family, everyone watchs out for everyone.
Basi Amsoi has expressed some interest in getting new latrines in the village. I've started to get some of the info on what laterines would be best for certian areas. I'm happy that he has voiced interest and is motivated for this project. The market proposal is all written and ready to go, but Thomas has seemed to lost luster for doing his part, and I am waiting on him to provide the blueprint of the market. So close.....
Kids are all doing great. We've been playing outside a lot lately, as it's raining in short bursts, cools it out and the flowers are starting to florious like crazy!
Pretty in Pink!
Pepper is doing...she now has three puppies! I know, I tried to get her spayed a handful of times when we were in the city. She had the puppies about a week ago! They are adorable and staying at Ula's house (so I don't get to attached and try to keep them all) Two male, one female. One has no tail, one half a tail - the other a full tail.
I need to say thank you to Nina for sending me the requested vetwrap. Lot's of people here get cuts or open wounds on feet, arms..etc where it's hard to keep a band-aid in place. Vetwrap sticks on itself. Unfortunately I was the first to bust it open. I lost my toenail...eeewe I know. Seeka heaven - so thanks Nina!

As always things are happening and we're keeping it busy. Wish us luck this Friday! I'll let you know how our team does, I'm sure we're going to have a blast!
Love to all - and here's to CLEAN WATER! :)
1 comment:
I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!!! Good luck! And YAY for the fresh water. I'll drink a glass from the tap here and will think of you.
So glad to read your news! You sould like you're doing great and have a full life going there. Very happy for you!
Smooches and much love!
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