Monday, May 26, 2008

Purple Hammock and a Chamber Pot

Yup - how good is my fortune. (Actually my ablity to sway a trade, red for purple)

Today there is a huge thunder and lighting storm here. We had language class in the morning followed by shots (yellow fever and heb B round 2) discussion on what to do in case of burns, cuts, broken limbs --- our book title 'Where there is no Doctor' covers all this wonderful info! ;) (page 6 informs us that killing the witch woman will not save us) Also got our med kits today.

This afternoon some current pcv's came to share stories on intergrating into their communities and the challanges they faced the first couple months. One guy informed us that he locked himself in his hut for the first month cuz he was intimated by it all -- solid! :)

We leave tomorrow to visit some pcv cites. I'm traveling 3 hour bus to 5 hour boat, we're staying for four days. Trying to pack tonite and see what all I need for the few days there. Once we get back on Saturday we pack again and are off to our homestay/training. Once there - no internet connection.

I sewed a hem for the first time yesterday!! I've never used a needle to sew before in my entire life! My hem is pretty funny looking, but hey - who would have thought! It was a lazy day here yesterday as Saturday we rose early to go to the capital, from 9a-9:30pm we were walking around and checking out how to shop, where to go, buying some stuff (pangis) and then had a history tour - and dinner. 5 of us used our negotiation skills to take a cab back home instead of the bus. (Yes Michael....we Sarah Jessica Parker'ed it!) money is TIGHT, I really have to budget and am not to overly use to this - but it's a good lesson for me to learn.

Sunday was a welcome break to the activities. Slept in, ate, did the hem thing, landury, braided hair -- typical summer camp day again. Jolted back again to reality today though. Trap hunting warning pamplet and shots will do that to you!

Peace out!


Ilya said...

Is there really a witch woman??? I LOVE IT!!!

Where's the next-closest pvc going to be...I hope you have some english-speaking company once in a while. I know you'll be out and about meeting the folks in the village (no month-long hut locking for you), but still.... internet connection. You are a stronger woman than I am. When's the next time you'll have one and in the meantime can we mail you stuff?

A HEM! You rock. Most people around here just use needles for attempts at voodoo. :)

Miss you tons Mariah!


Rick said...

You have to be kidding! Bugs, and snakes, and spiders...oh my!
I'm loving all your posts and I try to visualize what you are going through and I'm sure it isn't even close to the real thing. I feel like I'm reading the next Indiana Jones (or in your case, Indiana Mariah) movie. Is there buried treasure or priceless idols in your village. : )
Miss you tons!

Crystal said...

Hi Mariah,
I work for the Hesperian Foundation, the non-profit that publishes "Where There is No Doctor". I hope the book can be of use to you in the field. We get a lot of positive feedback from PC volunteers.
I wanted to ask you if it is okay to use the paragraph you mention "Where There is No Doctor" in our quotes database (just a collection of comments people have made about Hesperian books).
I also wanted to let you know that through the Gratis Program at Hesperian, we send Hesperian books for free to poor communities that request them. The woman that directs the Gratis Program is a former Peace Corps volunteer herself. We send a lot of free books to communities where PCVs are stationed. I know you don't have easy access to the internet, but when you do you can check out and it has all the information for the Gratis Program and nearly all our other titles about health are available to view or download for free online, as well.

Good luck!